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Co-Admin: Obi-Wan Kenobi
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No New Posts General Board

You can talk about anything here

Moderator: Padme Amidala

3 18 Activity Check in
by Kimmi Kinomo
Nov 5, 2008 9:25:12 GMT -5
No New Posts Rules

These are the rules which must be followed otherwise you will recieve a nice warning first and if you continue to break the rules then you will be permantly banned from this site.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

1 1 {Rules}{FOLLOW THEM}
by Padme Amidala
Oct 21, 2008 22:40:38 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Creation

Here is where you create your character,wheater it be a jedi knight,coucil person,bounty hunter,creature or anything else.Please follow the template provided,and then wait for the admin to accept your profile.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

14 30 Allan Pike
by Padme Amidala
Nov 11, 2008 2:40:26 GMT -5
No New Posts Shop

Buy stuff here with your money!

Moderator: Obi-Wan Kenobi

2 2 Glowing usernames
by Obi-Wan Kenobi
Nov 1, 2008 19:22:46 GMT -5
No New Posts OOC Board

This is a board for questions,games or anything else but please keep it clean we do have kids who pop they're heads in here from time to time.But if your bored you can post fanfics,fanart,graphics,play games.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

1 12 Corrupt a wish
by Obi-Wan Kenobi
Nov 2, 2008 11:02:50 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertise

This is a guest friendly board,which means if you post here then I should be able to post back on your forum as well and shouldn't have to sign up or anything.Please keep ad's appropiate,anything disgusting will be deleted.GUEST FRIENDLY

Moderator: Padme Amidala

28 30 Star Wars: War Of The Ages
by Admin The Hutt
Mar 31, 2009 20:45:11 GMT -5

The Jedi Way

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Coruscant

Situated in the heart of the galaxy, Coruscant was the seat of government for the Galactic Republic and the Empire that supplanted it. Over thousands of years of civilization, the planet has been entirely enveloped by cityscapes and urban sprawl. Immense skyscrapers reach high into the atmosphere, and stretch down deep into the dark shadows. Crisscrossing the skyline are streams of unending repulsorlift traffic. Even in the depths of night, Coruscant is alive with glittering lights and rivers of traffic, a bustling megalopolis that refuses to sleep.

Some of the most important decisions, affecting the lives of trillions, have been made on Coruscant. It has long been the center of government, and the site of residence for the galaxy's Supreme Chancellor. From a towering high-rise overlooking a gleaming range of mountainous edifices, rulers such as Valorum and Palpatine have carefully plotted the future of the Republic.

Though the Chancellor steered the government, issues were ultimately settled in the cavernous rotunda of the Galactic Senate. Thousands of Senators and galactic representatives from the far-flung worlds of the Republic would debate pressing issues and push forward countless agendas.Lower down there is the bars and of course sleeping quarters in the tall buildings,for special guests and what not as you watch the speeding hovering cars go by your window.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

1 1 A promenade down the promenade (open)
by Moneo
Oct 28, 2008 22:26:47 GMT -5
No New Posts The Jedi Temple

The Jedi temple is huge,it is a massive structure standing 1km high above the buildings of Galactic City, Coruscant, in an area where the Temple is largely unobstructed to sight.There are sleeping quarters for the jedi,training rooms and of course the council room.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

Sub-boards: Sleeping Quarters, Training Rooms, Council Chambers

1 22 Looking around (open)
by Charon Khan
Nov 2, 2008 1:23:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Jedi Archives

These are the archives,here is where you can find any planet listed in the galaxy.Just punch in a name and if it pops up then you've found the right place to go,Obi-Wan tryed to find out about a mysterious planet but couldn't find it so not all planets are listed.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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Other Galaxies

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No New Posts Naboo

This is Padme's and Jar Jar Binks home planet and often comes here to get away from it all,it's very beautiful and peaceful.Having her own luxurious home,with a lake view and in the distance a island you can swim to when it's warm enough and a large field to run in.You can also visit the new queen of Naboo,and take a ship from the space port.The surface of Naboo is covered by dense swamps, rolling grass plains, and verdant hills. The largest mountain chain, the Gallo Mountains, bisect the singular continent and divide the great grass plains of the north from the Lianorm Swamp in the south. South of the Lianorm Swamp is Paonga Sea, where at the bottom lies the Gungan city of Otoh Gunga. Underneath the planet's surface is a tremendous maze of passages and caves, home to immense aquatic animals and creatures that are never seen on the surface. Gungans dominate these 'underwaterways', using them as a highway of sorts between their surface Holy Places and their underwater cities. One gungan civilization was known as Otoh Gunga, where Jar-Jar leads Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

Sub-boards: The Senate, The Space Port

1 9 {On a wing and a Prayer}{Open}
by Padme Amidala
Oct 29, 2008 12:49:04 GMT -5
No New Posts Tatooine

A large desert world in a binary star system in the Arkanis Sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It was inhabited by poor locals who mostly farmed moisture for a living. Other activities included used equipment retailing and scrap dealing. The planet was on the 5709-DC Shipping Lane, a spur of the Triellus Trade Route, which itself connected to the Sisar Run. The planet was not far from the Corellian Run. It had its own navigation system. However, it would still play a role in galactic events, serving as the home of Anakin Skywalker. It was here that Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn recognized Anakin's potential to become a Jedi and where he introduced him to Obi-Wan Kenobi, his future master and mentor.The inhabitants of Tatooine included many different species from many parts of the universe, as can be seen in the multiple bars and cantinas in the cities. Most creatures on the planet love to gamble on nearly everything, especially podracing.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Kamino

This planet is surrounded by water,and can only be reached by ship.It is here where the clones are being created,basically a old jedi master came here and placed a order for a clone army and Jango Fett was the man used to make these clones.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Geonosis

The planet was located less than one parsec from Tatooine. In many ways the planet was similar to Tatooine, in that it was a rocky, desert world. One notable difference was that the planet had large and dense rings in orbit.Geonosis is home to several droid construction facilities, which engineer various battle droids (The Geonosis-based standard droids are colored a reddish-tan color), and the planet is the first to create Super Battle Droids, the successor to the battle droid.The planet's architecture mostly consists of domes and buildings built into caverns and rock spires, giving the surface's landscape a similarity to termite mounds.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

Sub-board: The Battle Arena

1 16 Patrolling the area (Open)
by Obi-Wan Kenobi
Nov 9, 2008 12:26:19 GMT -5
No New Posts Utapau

It has large sinkholes covering much of the surface. Entire cities are built in cracks and crevasses in the sides of the massive sinkholes, which extend inwards in perpetual twilight. It is revealed that the main reason for this practice is the existence of water on the sinkhole floors.Government in Utapau is largely autonomous. Local administrators called "Masters of Port Administration" govern the various cities of Utapau. Each administrator is supported by a committee for that city which helps and advises the administrator on local affairs. Each administrator reports to the Utapaun Committee, which is led by the Chairman of Utapau; head of state and government for the entire planet. Only the Pau'ans serve in these capacities as government officials. Many are appointed because of prestigious backgrounds. The current administrator for Pau City, Tion Medon, is a descendant of the late Timon Menon, credited with unifying Utapau in its early history. Pau'ans prefer darkness to light and raw meat to cooked, which explains the location of their cities deep within the sinkholes of Utapau.

Utapau is also the home of Boga. Boga is a Varactyl, a race of giant bird-lizards used for transport. They can be easily domesticated, and Utai often Wrangle them. Other species include the insectiod reptavian the Cancell, and the mysterious, subaquatic, Nos monster, usually found in the bottom of sinkholes.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Kashyyyk

The wookies live here high in trees,with cascading waterfalls and lush forest.They are allied with the Jedi's,if you come here you better be friendly otherwise they will kill you.You can stay in one of the many huts they have,listening to the sounds of nature as you drift off to sleep.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

1 12 Helping the wookiees (Open to 2 plus the villain)
by Charon Khan
Nov 1, 2008 3:04:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Mustafar

As a planet controlled by the Techno Union, Mustafar was a member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, but remained largely untouched by the Clone Wars. As the war progressed, Count Dooku and the Separatist Council saw fit to build a fortified stronghold on Mustafar to be used in the event that the war against the Galactic Republic did not go well. The Techno Union, the Commerce Guild and the Trade Federation funded the costly fortress, which was designed to be able to withstand any prolonged assault. Mustafar's terrain and environment made it difficult enough to reach the bunker, but it was designed so that even if enemies could pass the terrain, they would be unable to take the fortress. Tractor beam and ray shield technology protected the fortress from the lava rivers and the interior chambers were climate-controlled.This is where Anikan Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi fight.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Felucia

Was a plant-covered, fairly inhospitable planet between Rhen Var and Colunda Sector, near Mossak and the Perlemian Trade Route.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Rhen Var

Rhen Var was a planet situated near the Tion Cluster in the Outer Rim Territories. Throughout the history of the Galactic Republic, Rhen Var was covered in ice, rendering it almost uninhabitable. Remains of an ancient civilization and old Jedi artifacts were found beneath the ice on the planet, remnants of a former population. Rhen Var was once a fertile paradise filled with vegetation and wild life. Millions of years before the Clone Wars, an atmospheric cataclysm turned it into an icy hibernal surface. Since then, it had been a frigid world of frozen tundra and snowswept mountains.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

1 1 In a mission for the council
by Charon Khan
Nov 1, 2008 20:04:16 GMT -5
No New Posts Raxus Prime

Raxus Prime was a waste-covered planet in the Raxus system. It was packed with toxic debris and had a poisonous surface.

Jedi Knight Ulic Qel-Droma unleashed the Dark Reaper upon Republic troops here in 3,996 BBY, during the Great Sith War. In a mysterious and unexplained turn of fate, the machine was apparently disabled by Ulic before it could begin its devastation. Despite its toxic environment, the planet was home to many ancient secrets, among which was the location of the Force Harvester, which was the power source for the long-dismantled Dark Reaper.

Aach Een and his parents moved there from Iridonia. Sometime prior to the Clone Wars, the Meeknu clan was transplanted there from Tatooine to work the machinery.

Raxus Prime was the birthplace of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, and served as Count Dooku's personal fortress from 24 BBY until 22 BBY. Dooku learned about the Harvester on Raxus Prime during his visit Qel-Droma's tomb on Rhen Var shortly after the Clone Wars begun.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Dac

Dac, as it is called in Mon Calamarian, Quarrenese, and Basic, also known as Mon Calamari and sometimes simply called Calamari, was a planet in the Calamari system of the Calamari Sector, located in the Outer Rim. It was home to a wealth of sentient species: the Mon Calamari, the Quarren, the Moappa, the Amphi-Hydrus, and the Whaladons. Mon Calamari was the name given to the planet by Human explorers from the Galactic Republic who first discovered and revealed the world to the rest of the galaxy. The native species referred to the planet as Dac. The planet was a shining bluish-white orb from space, due to its ocean-covered surface. It was home to 27.5 billion Mon Calamarians and Quarren, as well as surrounded by the impressive Mon Calamari Shipyards

The planet was represented in the Galactic Senate by the corrupt Tikkes, who allowed Thalassian slavers to operate in the Calamari Sector for a share of their profits. He was exposed in 22 BBY. He escaped Republic custody on Coruscant and fled to Geonosis, where he became a member of the Separatist Council as leader of the Free Dac movement, which sought to cut ties between Mon Calamari and the Republic.

During the Clone Wars, the world was attacked twice by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. First, Count Dooku devastated the world with the Dark Reaper. Later, the Techno Union-member Quarren Isolation League attempted to overthrow the Mon Calamari Council. The League was defeated by Kit Fisto and the Mon Calamari Knights. It was discovered by Kit Fisto that the League was allied with the Moappa, whom Kit discovered were also sentient. Kit informed the Mon Calamari that they needed to make peace with and respect the sapience of the Moappa.

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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No New Posts Brentaal IV

Brentaal IV was the fourth planet in the Brentaal system of the Bormea sector of the Core Worlds. It was orbited by the Sel Zonn Station.

It sat at the strategic intersection of the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way. Brentaal was a small, dry planet whose eight continents were separated by small, salty oceans, and that had a diameter of 6,985 miles (11,242 kilometers). Most available land on the wealthy world was covered with starports, industrial facilities, and thriving trade markets. Most of its 65 billion citizens were crowded into the valleys and deltas on the planet, as the rest of the planet consisted of high, rugged mountain chains, dormant volcanoes, and plateaus. This resulted in major overpopulation. The planet also once endured high levels of pollution, though this was largely alleviated in later years. The original settlers of the planet had little care for the native species of the planet, and most species died off and were replaced by non-native species. The hardiest native species were kundrils, enormous flying insects living in the mountains and along the shore.

Life on Brentaal revolved around commerce, and the planet was efficiently run by the Brentaal Houses—noble families who controlled various guilds and aspects of commerce and trade. Sports were also played a part in Brentaal culture, and it featured a distinct cuisine. Representatives from the Houses met daily in the capital city's Trade Hall to plan economic policy. Most of Brentaal's citizens were involved in some manner with the trade and shipping business, and many megacorporations were based on the planet. Brentaal was the headquarters of Travis Motors.

Architecture on Brentaal is functional and stark though organic looking styled buildings were favored

For thousands of years, Brentaal was the major rendezvous point for those heading to and returning from the Colonies region, and its markets were naturally the first to receive exotic goods from these expeditions. During the Galactic Republic's ear

Moderator: Padme Amidala

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